A sequel, Death Note: Light Up the New World, was released in 2016. A spin-off, L: Change the World, was released in 2008. The film was produced by Nippon Television, and distributed by Warner Bros. The film primarily centers on a university student named: Light Yagami, who decides to rid the world of the crime element with the help of an otherworldly notebook that kills anyone whose name is written in it, under the alias of a controversial serial-killer/vigilante: 'Kira', while evading capture from a Tokyo police task-force, led by an enigmatic and highly-intelligent criminal profiler: 'L', who is determined to find and apprehend Light. The film is the second in a series of live-action Japanese films released in 2006 based on the Death Note manga and anime series by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata.
Death Note 2: The Last Name ( デスノート the Last name, Desu Nōto the Last name) is a 2006 Japanese supernatural thriller film directed by Shūsuke Kaneko.